


Step 1: Primary author submits the research following submission guidelines (Until May 24)

Step 2: Make payment in full to account details (See fees table below)

Step 3: Register (For  papers/posters with multiple authors, only one is required to register as a presenter, corresponding authors should register as non-presenters only.)

Step 4: Wait for registration confirmation.


Step 1: Make payment in full to account details (see fees table below)

Step 2: Register (Until May 20)

Step 3: Wait for registration confirmation.


Undergraduate/ Student

Graduate/ Professional



To register as a Presenter, please use the following link: Presenter Registration. Then follow the submission guidelines below.

To register as a Non-presenters, please use the following link: Spectator Registration

NB: For  Papers/Posters with multiple authors, only one is required to register as a presenter, corresponding authors should register as non-presenters only.

Submission Guidelines



a. Size: 5ft tall x 2ft wide with eyelet.

b. Orientation: The poster should be laid out in a portrait orientation. 

c. Title and Author/s: The title should occupy the top portion of the poster. The title should be a minimum of 2 inches high (144-point) and student and faculty mentor’s name should be a minimum of 1-inch high (72-point). All capital letters or combination can be used for the title. School logo should occupy the left upper part of the poster.  

d. Fonts and Sizes: Headings should be at least 36 point and easily readable from at least 6 feet. All other text should be at least 18 points. Use Verdana or Arial typeface. Use Bold and Italic to set type differently. All capital letters or combination can be used for the title 

c. Body text/ Caption: Minimize words while maximizing visuals 

d. Visuals: Visuals include tables, charts, figures, drawings, and/or photographs.  Visuals are allowed; however, they should be clearly visible 2m away/ Size of photographs should be 5R (6in x 8in). Avoid elements—such as unnecessary background colors and overly specific labels—that do not add useful information.  Explanations should be within or next to figures.  

e. Color: Stick to a simple color scheme. Background colors or images should complement, and not distract from the poster’s topic, text, and graphics. Keep in mind what you are trying to convey with the poster. 

f. Flow of Poster Content: The flow of the poster’s content should be visually and verbally clear. Information in one section should logically integrate with other 

The overall layout of the poster should be attractive. The poster should not be cluttered with too much text or imagery. Fonts should be consistent throughout.  The poster should be free of spelling and grammatical errors 



Criteria for the Best Oral Presenter Award


Criteria for the Best Poster Paper Award